Q2PRO is an enhanced, multiplayer oriented Quake 2 server, compatible with existing Quake 2 ports and licensed under GPLv2. This document provides descriptions of console variables and commands added to or modified by Q2PRO since the original Quake 2 release. Cvars and commands inherited from original Quake 2 are not described here (yet).
- net_enable_ipv6
Enables IPv6 support. Default value is 1 on systems that support IPv6 and 0 otherwise.
0 — disable IPv6, use IPv4 only
1 — enable IPv6, but do not listen for incoming IPv6 connections and prefer IPv4 over IPv6 when resolving host names with multiple addresses
2 — enable IPv6, listen for incoming IPv6 connections and use normal address resolver priority configured by OS
- net_ip
Specifies network interface address server should listen on for UDP and TCP connections using IPv4. The same interface is also used for outgoing TCP connections (these include MVD/GTV and anticheat connections). Default value is empty, which means listening on all interfaces.
There is a limitation preventing anticheat to work correctly on servers accessible from multiple IP addresses. If you are running the server on multi-ip system and plan to use anticheat, you need to explicitly bind the server to one of your network interfaces using the ‘net_ip’ cvar. |
- net_ip6
Specifies network interface address server should listen on for UDP and TCP connections using IPv6. The same interface is also used for outgoing TCP connections (these include MVD/GTV connections). Default value is empty, which means listening on all interfaces. Has no effect unless ‘net_enable_ipv6’ is set to non-zero value.
- net_port
Specifies port number server should listen on for UDP and TCP connections (using IPv4 or IPv6). Default value is 27910.
- net_ignore_icmp
On Win32 and Linux, server is able to receive ICMP ‘destination-unreachable’ packets from clients. This enables intelligent detection of crashed clients, allowing the server to quickly re-use their slots. If this behavior is not wanted for some reason, then this variable can be used to turn it off. Default value is 0 (don’t ignore ICMP packets).
- net_maxmsglen
Specifies maximum server to client packet size clients may request from server. 0 means no hard limit. Default value is conservative 1390 bytes. It is nice to have this variable as close to your network link MTU as possible (accounting for headers). Thus for normal Ethernet MTU of 1500 bytes 1462 can be specified (10 bytes quake header, 8 bytes UDP header, 20 bytes IPv4 header). Higher values may cause IP fragmentation for misconfigured clients which is better to avoid. Don’t change this variable unless you know exactly what you are doing.
- sv_iplimit
Maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed from single IP address (per connection type, TCP and UDP client lists are separate). Setting this variable to 0 disables the limit. Default value is 3.
- sv_status_show
Specifies how the server should respond to status queries. Default value is 2.
0 — do not respond at all
1 — respond with server info only
2 — respond with server info and player list
- sv_status_limit
Limits the rate at which server responds to status queries. Default value is 15 queries per second.
- sv_auth_limit
Limits the rate of client connection attempts with invalid password. Default value is 1 invalid authentication attempt per second.
- sv_rcon_limit
Limits the rate at which server responds to invalid rcon commands. Default value is 1 invalid command per second.
- sv_namechange_limit
Limits the rate at which clients are permitted to change their name. Default value is 5 name changes per minute.
- sv_password
If not empty, allows only authenticated clients to connect. Authenticated clients are allowed to occupy reserved slots, see below. Clients set their passwords via ‘password’ userinfo variable. Default value is empty (no password).
If password protection is needed for a server, it is preferable to use ‘sv_password’ instead of going the game mod way and using ‘password’ variable. The latter will prevent MVD/GTV features from working. |
If ‘sv_password’ is set, then game mod’s ‘password’ variable must be empty. Otherwise clients will be unable to connect. |
- sv_reserved_slots
Number of client slots reserved for clients who know ‘sv_reserved_password’ or ‘sv_password’. Must be less than ‘maxclients’ value. Default value is 0 (don’t reserve slots).
If ‘sv_mvd_enable’ is non-zero and ‘sv_reserved_slots’ is zero, ‘sv_reserved_slots’ is automatically set to one to reserve a slot for dummy MVD observer. |
Value of ‘sv_reserved_slots’ cvar is subtracted from ‘maxclients’ value visible in the server info. |
- sv_reserved_password
The password to use for reserved slots. Default value is empty, which means no one is allowed to occupy reserved slot(s), except of dummy MVD observer. Clients set their passwords via ‘password’ userinfo variable.
- sv_locked
Locks the server, preventing new clients from connecting. Default value is 0 (server unlocked).
- sv_lan_force_rate
When enabled, do not enforce any rate limits on clients whose IP is from private address space (127.x.x.x, 10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x, 172.16.x.x). Default value is 0 (disabled).
- sv_min_rate
Server clamps minimum value of ‘rate’ userinfo parameter to this value. Default value is 15000 bytes/sec. This parameter can’t be greater than ‘sv_max_rate’ value or less than 1500 bytes/sec.
- sv_max_rate
Server clamps maximum value of ‘rate’ userinfo parameter to this value. Default value is 60000 bytes/sec.
- sv_calcpings_method
Specifies the way client pings are calculated. Default ping calculation algorithm depends on client frame and packet rates, and may give inaccurate results, depending on client settings. Using improved algorithm is recommended as it should produce results more consistent with ‘ping’ command line utility. Default value is 2.
0 — disable ping calculation entirely
1 — use default ping calculation algorithm based on averaging
2 — use improved algorithm based on minimum round trip times
- sv_ghostime
Maximum time, in seconds, before dropping clients which have passed initial challenge-response connection stage but have not yet sent any data over newly established connection. This also applies to MVD/GTV clients in request processing stage. Helps to avoid attacks flooding server with zombie clients, combined with ‘sv_iplimit’ variable. Default value is 6.
- sv_idlekick
Time, in seconds, before dropping inactive clients. Default value is 0 (don’t kick idling clients). Moving, pressing buttons while in game and issuing chat commands counts as activity.
Don’t set ‘sv_idlekick’ too low to avoid kicking clients that are downloading or otherwise taking long time to enter the game. |
- sv_force_reconnect
When set to an address string, forces new clients to quickly reconnect to this address as an additional proxy protection measure. Default value is empty (do not enforce reconnection).
- sv_redirect_address
When server becomes full, redirects new clients to the specified address. Default value is empty (don’t redirect).
- sv_downloadserver
Specifies the URL clients should use for HTTP downloading. URL must begin with a ‘http://’ or ‘https://’ prefix and must end with a slash. Default value is empty (no download URL).
It is highly advisable to setup HTTP downloading on any public Quake 2 server. The easiest way to do so is to run pakserve on the same machine as Quake 2 server. |
- sv_show_name_changes
Broadcast player name changes to everyone. Enable this unless game mod already shows name changes. Default value is 0.
0 — don’t show name changes
1 — show name changes of players fully spawned in game
2 — show name changes of all players, including connecting players
- sv_allow_nodelta
Enables automatic removal of clients that abuse the server with requests for too many ‘nodelta’ (uncompressed) frames, hogging network resources. Default value is 1 (don’t remove clients), since this may sometimes legitimately happen on very poor client connections.
- sv_allow_unconnected_cmds
Controls whether client command strings are processed by the game mod even when the client is not fully spawned in game. Originally, Quake 2 server forwarded all commands to the game mod even for connecting clients, but this is known to cause problems with some (broken) mods that don’t perform their own client state checks. Default value is 0 (ignore commands unless fully connected).
- sv_uptime
Include ‘uptime’ key/value pair in server info. Default value is 0.
0 — do not display uptime at all
1 — display uptime in compact format
2 — display uptime in verbose format
- sv_enhanced_setplayer
Enable partial client name matching for certain console commands like ‘kick’ and ‘stuff’. Default value is 0 (use original matching algorithm).
- sv_recycle
Temporary variable useful for automatically upgrading the server at the next map change. Default value is 0.
0 — handle ‘gamemap’ command normally
1 — turn the next ‘gamemap’ into ‘map’ and reload the game module
2 — turn the next ‘gamemap’ into ‘recycle’ and reload entire server
Be sure to read ‘recycle’ command description below before enabling ‘sv_recycle’. |
- sv_allow_map
Controls the ‘map’ command behavior. ‘map’ is often mistakingly used by server operators to change maps instead of the more lightweight ‘gamemap’. Thus, this variable exists to prevent misuse of ‘map’. Default value is 0 for dedicated servers, 1 otherwise.
0 — disallow ‘map’ and print a warning unless there are pending latched cvars
1 — handle ‘map’ command normally
2 — turn ‘map’ into ‘gamemap’ unless there are pending latched cvars
- sv_changemapcmd
Specifies command to be executed each time server finishes loading a new map. Default value is empty.
- sv_fps
Specifies native server frame rate. Only used when game mod advertises support for variable server FPS. Specified rate should be a multiple of 10 (maximum rate is 60). Default value is 10 frames per second. Only clients that support Q2PRO protocol will be able to take advantage of higher FPS. Other clients will receive updates at default rate of 10 packets per second.
- lrcon_password
If not empty, enables users of this password to execute limited set of rcon commands on the server. By default no commands are permitted. Permitted command prefixes can be added using ‘addlrconcmd’.
- sv_cinematics
If set to 0, server will skip cinematics even if they exist. Default value is 1.
- sv_max_packet_entities
Maximum number of entities in client frame. Default value is 0, which is equivalent to 128 for non-extended servers and 512 for extended servers.
- sv_trunc_packet_entities
Truncates packetentities instead of dropping client frame on overflow. This does not break delta compression and should be generally safe to use. Only relevant for legacy clients not using Q2PRO network channel implementation. Default value is 1 (enabled).
- sv_prioritize_entities
Sort entities by priority if number of entities in client frame exceeds ‘sv_max_packet_entities’ limit. Default value is 0, which simply throws out entities with higher numbers that don’t fit into frame.
These variables control legacy server UDP downloads.
- allow_download
Globally allows or disallows server UDP downloads. Remaining variables listed below are effective only when downloads are globally enabled. Default value is 0.
0 — downloads are disabled
1 — downloads are enabled
- allow_download_maps
Enables downloading of files from ‘maps/’ subdirectory. Default value is 1.
- allow_download_models
Enables downloading of files from ‘models/’ and ‘sprites/’ subdirectories. Default value is 1.
- allow_download_sounds
Enables downloading of files from ‘sound/’ subdirectory. Default value is 1.
- allow_download_pics
Enables downloading of files from ‘pics/’ subdirectory. Default value is 1.
- allow_download_players
Enables downloading of files from ‘players/’ subdirectory. Default value is 1.
- allow_download_textures
Enables downloading of files from ‘textures/’ and ‘env/’ subdirectories. Default value is 1.
- allow_download_others
Enables downloading of files from any subdirectory other than those listed above. Default value is 0.
- sv_max_download_size
Maximum size of UDP download in bytes. Value of 0 disables the limit. Default value is 8388608 (8 MiB).
Q2PRO clients can stream compressed downloads directly from .pkz archives on the server. Thus it is advisable to keep all data in .pkz for optimal download speeds. |
MVD/GTV server
- sv_mvd_enable
Enables MVD/GTV server functionality. Default value is 0.
0 — MVD server is disabled
1 — local MVD recording is allowed
2 — local MVD recording and remote GTV connections are allowed
- sv_mvd_maxclients
Total number of MVD/GTV client slots on the server. Default value is 8.
- sv_mvd_password
If not empty, allows only authenticated MVD/GTV clients to connect. Default value is empty (any neutral host can connect).
Password check only applies to MVD/GTV clients that are neither whitelisted nor blacklisted (see ‘addgtvhost’ and ‘addgtvban’ commands description for more information). |
- sv_mvd_nogun
Reduce bandwidth usage by filtering on-screen gun updates out of MVD stream. Default value is 0 (filtering disabled).
- sv_mvd_noblend
Reduce bandwidth usage by filtering on-screen blend effects out of MVD stream. Default value is 0 (filtering disabled).
- sv_mvd_nomsgs
When enabled, MVD/GTV spectators in chasecam mode will not receive any text messages routed to their chase targets (which are normally on a team), but will receive messages routed to the dummy MVD observer. Default value is 1 (enabled). This variable is only effective when dummy client is spawned, see ‘sv_mvd_spawn_dummy’ variable description for more information.
- sv_mvd_maxtime
Maximum duration, in minutes, of the locally recorded MVD. Default value is 0 (unlimited).
- sv_mvd_maxsize
Maximum size, in kB, of the locally recorded MVD. Default value is 0 (unlimited).
- sv_mvd_maxmaps
Specifies number of map changes local MVD recording is stopped after. Default value is 1. Setting this to 0 disables the limit.
- sv_mvd_begincmd
This command is issued on behalf of dummy MVD observer as soon as it enters the game. Do whatever preparations are needed here to make sure MVD observer enters an appropriate observing mode, opens the scoreboard, etc. MVD observer has it’s own command buffer and each ‘wait’ cycle lasts 100 ms there. Default value is "wait 50; putaway; wait 10; help;".
- sv_mvd_scorecmd
This command is issued on behalf of dummy MVD observer each time no layout updates are detected for more than 9 seconds. Useful for reopening the scoreboard if the game mod closes it for some reason. MVD observer has its own command buffer and each ‘wait’ cycle lasts 100 ms there. Default value is "putaway; wait 10; help;".
- sv_mvd_suspend_time
GTV connections are suspended after this period of time, in minutes, counted from the moment last active player disconnects or becomes inactive. Setting this to zero disables server side suspending entirely. Default value is 5.
- sv_mvd_disconnect_time
Dummy MVD observer is disconnected after this period of time, in minutes, counted from the moment last GTV client disconnects or becomes inactive. Setting this to zero makes dummy client persistent. Default value is 15.
- sv_mvd_spawn_dummy
Specifies if dummy MVD observer needs to be spawned. Default value is 1.
0 — never spawn dummy client
1 — only spawn if game mod advertises support for MVD
2 — always spawn dummy client
MVD/GTV client
- mvd_username
Default username to use for outgoing GTV connections. Default value is "unnamed".
- mvd_password
Default password to use for outgoing GTV connections. Default value is empty.
- mvd_timeout
Specifies MVD connection timeout value, in seconds. Default value is 90.
- mvd_suspend_time
GTV connections are suspended after this period of time, in minutes, counted from the last moment of MVD spectator(s) activity. Setting this to zero disables client side suspending entirely. Default value is 5.
- mvd_wait_delay
Time, in seconds, for MVD channel to buffer data initially. This effectively specifies MVD stream delay seen by observers. Default value is 20.
- mvd_wait_percent
Maximum inuse percentage of the delay buffer when MVD channel stops buffering data to prevent overrun, ignoring ‘mvd_wait_delay’ value. Default value is 50.
- mvd_buffer_size
Size of delay buffer, in multiplies of MAX_MSGLEN (32 KiB). Default value is 8. You may need to increase this when also increasing ‘mvd_wait_delay’.
- mvd_default_map
Specifies default map used for the Waiting Room channel. Default value is "q2dm1".
- mvd_chase_prefix
Specifies POV info string position on the screen. This should be a valid fragment of the Quake 2 layout script. Default value is "xv 0 yb -64".
- mvd_stats_score
Specifies what ‘score’ stats field should contain for MVD observers. This field is externally visible to server browsers. Default value is 0.
0 — always zero
1 — MVD channel ID spectator is on
2 — score of the chase target
- mvd_snaps
Specifies time interval, in seconds, between saving ‘snapshots’ in memory during MVD playback. Snapshots enable backward seeking in demo (see ‘mvdseek’ command description), and speed up repeated forward seeks. Setting this variable to 0 disables snapshotting entirely. Default value is 10.
- sv_strafejump_hack
Enables FPS-independent strafe jumping mode for clients using R1Q2 and Q2PRO protocols. Values higher than 1 will force this mode for all clients, regardless of their protocol version. Default value is 1 (enable strafe jumping hack only for compatible clients).
- sv_waterjump_hack
Makes underwater movement speed equal in all directions for clients using Q2PRO protocol. Values higher than 1 will force this mode for all clients, regardless of their protocol version. Default value is 1 (enabled).
- sys_console
On UNIX-like systems, specifies how system console is initialized. Default value is 2 if both stdin and stdout descriptors refer to a TTY, 1 if running a dedicated server and 0 otherwise.
0 — don’t write anything to stdout and don’t read anything from stdin
1 — print to stdout and read commands from stdin, but don’t assume it is a terminal
2 — enable command line editing and colored text output
- sys_history
Specifies how many lines to save into system console history file before exiting Q2PRO, to be reloaded on next startup. Maximum number of history lines is 128. Default value is 128.
- sys_forcegamelib
Specifies the full path to the game library server should attempt to load first, before normal search paths are tried. Useful mainly for debugging or mod development. Default value is empty (use normal search paths).
Console Logging
- logfile
Specifies if console logging to file is enabled. Default value is 0.
0 — logging disabled
1 — logging enabled, overwrite previous file
2 — logging enabled, append to previous file
Log file is not automatically reopened when game directory is changed. |
- logfile_flush
Specifies if log file data is buffered in memory or flushed to disk immediately. Default value is 0. See setvbuf(3) manual page for more details.
0 — system default mode (block buffered)
1 — line buffered mode
2 — unbuffered mode
- logfile_name
Specifies base name of the log file. Should not include any extension part or path components. ‘logs/’ prefix and ‘.log’ suffix are automatically appended. Default value is ‘console’.
- logfile_prefix
Specifies the time/date template each line of log file is prefixed with. Default value is ‘[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M] ’. See strftime(3) manual page for syntax description. In addition, the first ‘@’ character in the template, if found, is replaced with a single character representing message type (T — talk, D — developer, W — warning, E — error, N — notice, A — default).
- console_prefix
Analogous to ‘logfile_prefix’, but for system console. Additionally, sequence ‘<?>’, if present at the beginning of prefix, is replaced with printk()-style severity level based on message type. This is intended for logging server stdout with systemd(1). Default value is empty (no prefix).
- map_override_path
Specifies the directory from which override files with extensions ‘.ent’ or ‘.bsp.override’ are loaded. Default value is empty (don’t try to override entity strings). Typical value for this is ‘maps’, but can be customized per server port.
- map_visibility_patch
Attempt to patch miscalculated visibility data for some well-known maps (q2dm1, q2dm3 and q2dm8 are patched so far), fixing disappearing walls and entities. Default value is 1 (enabled).
- com_fatal_error
Turns all non-fatal errors into fatal errors that cause server process exit. Default value is 0 (disabled).
- com_debug_break
Development variable that turns all errors into debug breakpoints. Default value is 0 (disabled).
- status [mode]
Show information about connected clients. Optional mode argument may be provided to show different kind of information. Only the first character of mode is significant.
- d(ownloads)
show current downloads
- l(ag)
show connection quality statistics
- p(rotocols)
show network protocol information
- s(ettings)
show client settings
- t(ime)
show connection times
- v(ersions)
show client executable versions
- stuff <userid> <text …>
Stuff the given raw text into command buffer of the client identified by userid.
- stuffall <text …>
Stuff the given raw text into command buffers of all connected clients.
- stuffcvar <userid> <variable> […]
Stuff a command to query value of console variable into command buffer of the client identified by userid. Result of the query is printed in server console once a reply is received. More than one variable can be specified on command line.
- printall <text …>
Prints the given raw text to all connected clients.
- dumpents [filename]
Dumps the entity string of current map into ‘entdumps/filename.ent’ file. Original map entity string is dumped, even if override is in effect. See also ‘map_override_path’ variable description.
- pickclient <address:port>
Send ‘passive_connect’ packet to the client at specified address and port. This is useful if the server is behind NAT or firewall and can not accept remote connections. Remote client must support passive connections (R1Q2 and Q2PRO clients do), must be in passive connection mode and the specified port must be reachable. See ‘passive’ command for more details.
- addban <address[/mask]> [comment …]
Adds specified address to the ban list. Specify mask to ban entire subnetwork. If specified, comment will be printed to banned user(s) when they attempt to connect.
- delban <address[/mask]|id|all>
Deletes exactly matching address/mask pair from the ban list. You can also specify numeric id of the address/mask pair to delete, or use special keyword all to clear the entire list.
- listbans
Displays all address/mask pairs added to the ban list along with their IDs, last access times and comments.
- kickban <userid>
Kick the client identified by userid and add his IP address to the ban list (with a default mask of 32).
- addblackhole <address[/mask]> [comment …]
Adds specified address to the blackhole list. Specify mask to blackhole entire subnetwork. All connectionless packets from blackholed hosts will be silently ignored.
- delblackhole <address[/mask]|id|all>
Deletes exactly matching address/mask pair from the blackhole list. You can also specify numeric id of the address/mask pair to delete, or use special keyword all to clear the entire list.
- listblackholes
Displays all address/mask pairs added to the blackhole list along with their IDs, last access times and comments.
- addstuffcmd <connect|begin> <command> […]
Adds command to be automatically stuffed to every client as they initially connect or each time they begin on a new map.
- delstuffcmd <connect|begin> <id|cmd|all>
Deletes command identified by the numeric id or by literal cmd string from the specified list. You can also specify all to clear the whole stuffcmd list.
- liststuffcmds <connect|begin>
Enumerates all registered commands in the specified stuffcmd list.
- addfiltercmd <command> [ignore|log|print|stuff|kick] [comment …]
Prevents client command otherwise unknown to the server from being interpreted by the game mod, and takes the specified action instead. For print and stuff actions comment argument is mandatory, and should contain data to print and stuff to the client. For kick action comment specifies optional disconnect reason printed to the client. Default action is ignore. Commands are matched in a case-insensitive way.
- delfiltercmd <id|name|all>
Deletes command identified by numeric id or by name from the list of filtered commands. You can also specify all to clear the whole filtercmd list.
- listfiltercmds
Enumerates all filtered commands along with appropriate actions and comments.
- addcvarban <cvar> <match> [log|print|stuff|kick] [comment]
Adds an automatic check for specified cvar. Cvar value on the client is compared with match and specified action is taken if value matches. For print and stuff actions comment argument is mandatory, and should contain data to print and stuff to the client. For kick action comment specifies optional disconnect reason printed to the client. Default action is log. See below for description of match string syntax. Multiple entries with the same cvar are permitted and are matched sequentially (stopping at the first entry with kick action that matched).
- delcvarban <id|cvar|all>
Deletes single cvarban identified by numeric id, or deletes all cvarbans matching cvar. You can also specify all to delete all cvarbans.
- listcvarbans
Enumerates all cvarbans along with appropriate actions and comments.
- checkcvarbans
Use this command to manually send cvarban checks to all connected clients. By default, cvarbans are automatically checked on each map change.
- adduserinfoban <key> <match> [log|print|stuff|kick] [comment]
Adds an automatic check for specified userinfo key. Specified key is compared with match and specified action is taken if value matches. For print and stuff actions comment argument is mandatory, and should contain data to print and stuff to the client. For kick action comment specifies optional disconnect reason printed to the client. Default action is log. See below for description of match string syntax. Multiple entries with the same key are permitted and are matched sequentially (stopping at the first entry with kick action that matched). Matched userinfo bans with kick action also prevent new clients from connecting.
- deluserinfoban <id|key|all>
Deletes single userinfo ban identified by numeric id, or deletes all userinfo bans matching key. You can also specify all to delete all userinfo bans.
- listuserinfobans
Enumerates all userinfobans along with appropriate actions and comments.
- addlrconcmd <command>
Adds a command prefix to the list of permitted limited rcon commands (see ‘lrcon_password’ variable description).
- dellrconcmd <id|cmd|all>
Deletes lrcon command prefix identified by numeric id or by literal cmd string. You can also specify all to delete all lrcon commands.
- listlrconcmds
Enumerates all lrcon commands.
- listmasters
List master server hostnames, resolved IP addresses and last acknowledge times.
- quit [reason …]
Exit the server, sending ‘disconnect’ message to clients. Optional reason string may be provided instead of the default ‘Server quit’ message.
- recycle [reason …]
This command is equivalent to ‘quit’, with an exception that ‘reconnect’ message is sent to clients instead of ‘disconnect’. Useful for quickly upgrading the server binary without losing clients, assuming the server process is automatically restarted after it exits.
MVD/GTV server
- mvdrecord [-hz] <filename>
Start local MVD recording into ‘demos/filename.mvd2’.
- -h | --help
display help message
- -z | --compress
compress file with gzip
- mvdstop
Stop local MVD recording.
- mvdstuff <text>
Execute the given text on behalf of dummy MVD observer.
- addgtvhost <address[/mask]>
Adds specified address to the white list of trusted MVD/GTV hosts allowed to connect to this server without password. Specify mask to allow entire subnetwork.
- delgtvhost <address[/mask]|id|all>
Deletes exactly matching address/mask pair from the white list of trusted MVD/GTV hosts. You can also specify numeric id of the address/mask pair to delete, or use special keyword all to clear the entire list.
- listgtvhosts
Displays all address/mask pairs added to the white list of trusted MVD/GTV hosts along with their IDs.
White list of MVD/GTV hosts takes precedence over black list. Whitelisted hosts are not required to know ‘sv_mvd_password’ even if it is set. |
- addgtvban <address[/mask]>
Adds specified address to the black list of banned MVD/GTV hosts disallowed to connect to this server. Specify mask to ban entire subnetwork.
- delgtvban <address[/mask]|id|all>
Deletes exactly matching address/mask pair from the black list of banned MVD/GTV hosts. You can also specify numeric id of the address/mask pair to delete, or use special keyword all to clear the entire list.
- listgtvbans
Displays all address/mask pairs added to the black list of banned MVD/GTV hosts along with their IDs.
MVD/GTV client
- mvdconnect [-hn:u:p:] <address[:port]>
Create connection to the GTV server at the given address. If port is omitted, default server port 27910 is used.
- -h | --help
display help message
- -n | --name=<string>
specify channel name as string, default is ‘netX’
- -u | --user=<string>
specify username as string, default is to use value of ‘mvd_username’ cvar
- -p | --pass=<string>
specify password as string, default is to use value of ‘mvd_password’ cvar
- mvdisconnect [-ah] [connection]
Destroy the specified GTV server connection or all connections. If there is an associated MVD channel, any buffered data is replayed to spectators, then MVD channel is destroyed. There is no need to specify connection if there is only one active connection.
- -a | --all
destroy all connections
- -h | --help
display help message
- mvdkill [channel]
Destroy the specified MVD channel (any parent GTV connection is also destroyed). There is no need to specify channel if there is only one active channel.
- mvdplay [-hl:n:r:] <[/]filename> […]
Begins MVD playback from the file identified by filename by creating a new MVD channel. This command does not require file extension to be specified and supports filename autocompletion on TAB. Loads file from ‘demos/’ unless slash is prepended to filename, otherwise loads from the root of quake file system. Multiple filenames can be specified to create a playlist.
- -h | --help
display help message
- -l | --loop=<number>
replay number of times (0 means forever, replays once by default)
- -n | --name=<string>
specify channel name as string, default is ‘demX’
- -r | --replace=<channel>
replace existing channel playlist with new entries, don’t create a new channel
- mvdseek [+-]<timespec|percent>[%] [channel]
Seeks the given amount of time during MVD playback on the specified channel. Prepend with ‘+’ to seek forward relative to current position, prepend with ‘-’ to seek backward relative to current position. Without prefix, seeks to an absolute frame position within the MVD file, counted from the last map change. See below for timespec syntax description. With ‘%’ suffix, seeks to specified file position percentage. Initial forward seek may be slow, so be patient. For multi-map recordings, it is not possible to return to the previous map by seeking. Seeking during demo recording is not yet supported.
- mvdrecord [-hz] <filename> [channel]
Start MVD recording on the specified channel into ‘demos/filename.mvd2’. There is no need to specify channel if there is only one active channel.
- -h | --help
display help message
- -z | --compress
compress file with gzip
With Q2PRO it is possible to record a demo while playing back another one. |
- mvdstop [channel]
Stop MVD recording on the specified channel. There is no need to specify channel if there is only one active channel.
- mvdspawn
Put the server into MVD/GTV mode, creating the Waiting Room channel. This command performs a full server restart. Done automatically as soon as the first GTV connection is established or local MVD file is replayed.
- mvdchannels [mode]
List all MVD channels (there may be none, if all GTV connections are suspended). Optional mode argument may be provided to show different kind of information.
- r(ecordings)
show MVD recording status
- mvdservers
List all GTV connections.
Q2PRO server tries to be compatible with other Quake 2 ports, including original Quake 2 release. Compatibility, however, is defined in terms of full file format and network protocol compatibility. Q2PRO is not meant to be a direct replacement of your regular Quake 2 server. Some features are implemented differently in Q2PRO, some may be not implemented at all. You may need to review your config and adapt it for Q2PRO. This section tries to document most of these incompatibilities so that when something doesn’t work as it used to be you know where to look. The following list may be incomplete.
‘ip’ variable has been renamed to ‘net_ip’.
‘port’ variable has been renamed to ‘net_port’, and ‘ip_hostport’ and ‘hostport’ aliases are no longer supported.
‘serverrecord’ and ‘demomap’ commands has been removed in favor of ‘mvdrecord’ and ‘mvdplay’.
On Windows, ‘./release/gamex86.dll’ path will not be tried by default when loading the game DLL. If you need this for loading some sort of a game mod proxy, use ‘sys_forcegamelib’ variable.
Q2PRO works only with virtual paths constrained to the quake file system. All paths are normalized before use so that it is impossible to go past virtual filesystem root using ‘../’ components. This means commands like these are equivalent and all reference the same file: ‘exec ../global.cfg’, ‘exec /global.cfg’, ‘exec global.cfg’. If you have any config files in your Quake 2 directory root, you should consider moving them into ‘baseq2/’ to make them accessible.
Likewise, ‘link’ command syntax has been changed to work with virtual paths constrained to the quake file system. All arguments to ‘link’ are normalized.